YggdrasilWM  0.1.1
A tiny window manager coded in C++
Todo List
Member Bars::init (std::shared_ptr< ConfigDataBars > configData, std::shared_ptr< TSBarsData > tsData, Display *display, Window root)
use of x11wrapper
Class BinarySpace

create an interface for Spaces and implement it in BinarySpace

redefine BinarySpace not as a nested class but as a separate class

Member ConfigDataBars::configInit (const Json::Value &root_) override
use of a smart pointer to store the ConfigDataBar objects
Member ConfigHandler::addConfigData (std::shared_ptr< T > configData)
modify to use smart pointers
Member ConfigHandler::getConfigData ()
modify to use smart pointers
Class EventHandler
see the pertinence of implementing observer pattern here
Member ewmh::initEwmh (Display *display, Window root)
add x11wrapper to the parameters
Class Group
Rules on the WM_CLASS of the client can be defined in the config file.
Member Group::Group (const std::shared_ptr< ConfigDataGroup > &config, std::shared_ptr< BaseX11Wrapper > x11Wrapper, Display *display, Window root)
add the other layout types
Member EventHandler::handleMotionNotify (const XEvent &event)
: rework this function to handle dragging windows.
Member TreeLayoutManager::growSpace (Client *client, int inc)
this method is not implemented yet
Member WindowManager::Stop ()
: implement a clean way to stop the window manager